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Family Brand: Take Back Your Family

Aug 26, 2022

In our house, we have a “high challenge, high support” culture.

You might be thinking “what do you mean by challenge? Isn’t that a little negative?” 

Simply put, in our family, we challenge each other to do hard things, be brave, and become a greater version of ourselves every day. 

This type of...

Aug 19, 2022

You’ve heard it said, “there are no guarantees  in life…” The truth is that there is at least ONE thing you can count on. 

At some point, you can guarantee that things will not go according to plan. 

Despite your best efforts, your consistent practicing or organizing, or planning, sometimes “the universe”...

Aug 12, 2022

As the new school year kicks off in America and around the world, it’s safe to say that most families' schedules just got a lot busier. Between getting everyone's school supplies, and new clothes, signing up for Fall sports and everything in-between, back-to-school season can feel like one big  “to-do list.”


Aug 5, 2022

Imagine yourself walking on stage accepting an award that symbolizes all your hard work paid off…

You look out to the crowd and all your loved ones are there cheering you on…

You smile at them, beaming with pride as they start a slow clap…

Suddenly, one by one the crowd starts to join in and the claps lead to a...